I have not written for few months now. For some reason never felt like writing. It was like one of those moments, when you do not like something and do not know why. I like writing my thoughts and obervations, but somehow in last few months many things happened, but there was never a feeling to write about it. Anyhow it happens, as you never know what turns “yeh saali zindagi” will take. First of all a very happy new year to everyone. I hope that year has started on a good note. I will “see” how this year will take shape, but today, it is a reflection on 2010. I bet I have forgotten most of things by now, but still if you pass through rose bushes, some petals always gets stuck when you come out of it.
I do not know what the astrolgers forecasted about me. Neither do I know if any of those came out to be true. But, looking backwards year 2010 seems quite an interesting and eventful. Many things happened, and below is an attempt to capture an abstract of few still stuck in my head.
- One of my colleague and good friend made a change and went back to India. He is a very simple and good person. I wish he experience life to the best.
- I started playing badminton again. It is an amazing experience. I twisted my ankle, watched finals of Swiss Open live in the court. With regular practice and interactions, I started playing with a local group as well. I love this game and thanks to all those people who made this happen for me.
- Met many new friends through various events. Each one is special in its own ways.
- Learned somewhat about Oracle Weblogic. It was a good to know something new.
- Also spent some money on Amazon Web services. It did not pay much of return, which probably is due to my laziness 🙂
- Participated in Sport Night. It was an amazing experience and for the first time I played Tennis and Speedminton. Two of my friends joined with me and made the night a night to remember.
- Bought many sport equipment and gears. All the items are amazing and it was great experience and learning.
- Yonex Archsaber Z slash, Yonex SHB 101M, Yonex All England 100 years 6 racket bag, Yonex MP22, HEAD Youtek PH10000, ASICS Gel Blade 3 and ASICS Gel Blade 2.
- Wilson BLX Six One 95 18×20, HEAD MicroGel Rapor Midplus, ASICS Gel Game 2, Wilson BLX 6 racket bag.
- Sports wear to play.
- Started playing Tennis regularly. Thanks to the group to allow me slowly progress, while bearning my ever wrong serves :).
- Went twice for biking (cycling) tour. Once about 40 km and then a 90km tour. It was an amazing experience.
- My brother and family visited me in Switzerland. My niece is growing so fast!!
- Started playing pool and snooker .
- Participated in the 1st Durga Puja ever arranged in Basel. It was again a nice experience and the location next to my apartment made it even easier.
- Go karting was amazing fun. This time I kept on breaking my record. Thankfully I had a friend to always join me for a race.
- However, I went little slow on Bowling.
- I observed, that many of co-players followed my path to buy specific gear for each sport. I hope they enjoy the difference as well.

Many more things happened as well. But, the list is endless and my brain capacity is too precious ;). One of the things, which I realized once again is, ” is zindagi pe tera mera kisi ka na zor hai, hum sochte hai kuch yeh saali jaati kahin aur hai” ( No one has control over life, we think something else and it takes its own path).
Still the most important thing for me is to keep laughing and share it with others.
Thanks to all the people, who became a part of my life, shared a laughter and gave it different colors and direction.
Keep laughing
Arundeep Singh