The brand image, diversification and my blog

  • Post category:Social
  • Reading time:2 mins read
I have heard that a product’s brand name should not become too big. The brand name should be managed in a way that it provides you the flexibility to change. This is the one reason, many of the consumer product companies keep their brand names separate. To the extent that sometimes people do not even know the parent company. The brand name is the only identity. This is also useful to create internal competence and provide multiple channels for consumers to consume the products. There are many examples.

I got too carried away by this philosophy, when I created my blog about 4 years ago. I divided it into 3 categories; general thoughts, technical entries and small one liners. With time, I realized that too much dilution of brand is also not good. For me, it is really not a “Brand” but still I had my own share of problems.
  • The amount of activity in each blog was not enough to notice despite the fact that overall activity was more.
  • Followers were divided and not everyone knew that I had these blogs. 
  • It was difficult to manage the customization, editing and themes of multiple blogs.
I merged one liners with general thoughts about 2 years ago. Recently, other than my own thoughts, my friends in various discussion communicated the similar feelings. They do not want to remember different URLs or Blog names to identify with my name. This feedback is constructive and motivational as well. Thanks to all for your suggestions.
So, for the people who read my blogs and provided the feedback, I have consolidated my blogs into one. From today onwards, there is only one blog to read where all my thoughts are captured and shared ; Whispers.
Keep reading, keep smiling and keep giving your feedback.
Arundeep Singh