It is Europeans a

Won’t you think that after all that hard work to change the world and trying to improve the life in stiff competition one would like to relax? Or in other ways, they have worked almost like a labour for all those years. Now they are trying to delegate it to some subordinate to take their role. So that they can move to higher roles while the hard work is being done by the someone else. How it can be said they do not work. Still most of the decisions, directions, views are coming from them. It is just that they are hiring others to actually work on those ideas. It seems like any other situation in an organization where a developer thinks that his manager does nothing except playing with documents and excel sheet :D. Everyone tries to find someone who can do his work what he has been doing for so long.
Yes, some may argue on my earlier statement on westerners being the inventors. Some would say India, China, Arabs created so much knowledge and wealth. Especially Indian nowadays feel proud when Americans state that “0” was invented by India, trigonometry originated in India and so on. One can easily find such a chain mail flowing. People give reference of Nalanda university and many other majors across the world. But what was done of all those things? Today the one do not see the implementation of those great ideas.
As I always says it is all about individual perception and understanding. I am generally open to all views and move without judgements. The above were just my alternative viewpoints on what I heard.
But in all the differences of viewpoints one viewpoint is common. That is about laughing, so keep laughing 😉
Arundeep Singh