The Europe since beginning seems to be war. So many colonies and kings. Always engaged in one of other furious fights. Even between all these wars they seems to have kept their love strings alive. Your smile will be replied with a smile. You see people in happy conversation with others. You can find people caressing and kissing each other. Even the old couples in their 60’s can be seen kissing with smile. Yes, it does seem like public display at times. But it is just different world, that’s all. To me this just keeps the love string alive. Yes, another view is about all the divorces, single families etc. But till the time two people love each their, they love not just pretend. I do not know how it survived in all this cruelty and wars. May be this is the very specific reason that kept love going all the times.
Another thing which I was not able to understand the portray of women in old paintings. Louvre museum was ultimate. This was amazing collection. But somehow in almost all the paintings you will find that women dot have clothes on!!!! I have no concerns about obscenity or vulgarity. But I could not understand was why? There were few paintings in which everyone is fully clad, but the women in concern. Like this one …… How come she is the only one who does not know how to dress or she is too open minded?
Another important feature of the Paris tour was Monalisa. After all those years of hearing so much about that face, here I was right in front of it. Monalisa, a small painting proudly has the biggest space for visitors to stand!!. Most of the people were crowded around her. I also get myself captured with her 😉 Surely a moment.
I do not bear that strange smile of Monalisa, but I do keep laughing!!!!
Arundeep Singh