Talent, competition, judgement and racism

  • Post category:Social
  • Reading time:4 mins read

The “Got Talent” show is now available in many countries. Like many other things, this series also originated in UK and then it spread across the world 🙂 . India is no exception and it is has also created its own version. The Indian version is known as “ India’s Got Talent“. Recently the season 2 of this series concluded. It was wonderful to watch all those amazing performances. Well, personally the way winners were chosen, that was disappointing. To my preferences there were few other performances, which were too good. To give you a taste you can watch this beautiful dance performance or this amazing music and environment created by a group of people. Not that other performances were not good, but these I liked more. Whatever the result might have been declared, for me these two teams were the best.
Anyhow, my point is not to argue about the right or wrong of the results. The results have been declared and its all a past now. My thoughts were stuck with type of categories, which comes to participate in this show. Being a “talent” show almost everything and everyone becomes eligible to claim the throne. I think, I should also try to show my talent of sleeping too much :). Talking of talent, not sure, what exactly should be considered. But, two categories especially singers and dancers seems to be out of place. Not that they do not have talent, but there are already many shows and competitions available for these categories. It becomes worse as the number of participants from these two categories are generally more than other categories. Isn’t it then become unfair to other people? 

I do not know, if my above thought means anything or not. But, it seems to be related to another similar topic that got highlights few years back. The topic was  that, should the engineering and medical graduates be allowed to compete in IAS exams or not. It was also the similar conflict, as engineering graduates also has their options to go into the wide variety of engineering domain jobs. This reduces the options for normal graduates.Other view, especially from government college perspective, was that why the government should spent so much on the special studies on these graduates,when they finally end up in IAS and other similar public jobs.

Well, obviously there may be a contrary view too. As, generally the segmental competition programs expects you to do all kind of flavors in the category. However, there may be a person with just one special flavor as an amazingly beautiful talent. e.g. watch this beautiful performance by Hariharan. Will it be appropriate to ask this boy to perform an equally good bhangra , before he could be called a good dancer. I am sure, Michael Jackson also did not know Bhangra and he is still the master, right?
Yes, like almost any other topic, this one also has multiple perspectives. But, my view is that when we mix all kind of talents in one show, then less popular talents does not get a chance to move ahead in comparison to more popular activities.
Whether is it mixed or not, if at the end the performers and viewers are happy, then there is nothing beautiful than it. For sure, when talking about talent, it should be judged based on talent and not by “race”. Otherwise, the racism based judgment may kill the talent.

I am sure, the videos would have brought a little if not a big smile on your face. So, keep smiling and laughing as that is the biggest talent of all.
