Fear of people and results.
Lack of clarity on, which side it correct one.
Question of what if this taken path is not the right one.
Constraints from various links.
Environmental situation.
What path was taken before it.
Our own limitations.
Attitude towards life.
May be some other factors are also involved. List is modifiable based on person. To me, I can shrink it down to only one factor i.e the person himself.
Lately, I found myself standing at a fork again. I was given a task. Now I was struggling with myself. I was not able to attach myself with the task. And it is to hard for me to do something with a half-heart. The reasons for this situation were multiple.
I was not sure about the motive behind the task.
The preface around the task had conflicting message.
I was not sure, who is the final owner of the task and the result.
I was uncomfortable with the negative environment and the interpretation from others.
I have not done similar task before.
One of my co-worker came to help. He gave me some inputs on the task. Not only on the task, he helped to make the decision on the approach as well. His thoughts were good. Although tough for me to work like that. But I got the message. It definitely helped a bit.
Secondly, I happened to watch a movie. The movie is a simplistic movie about the life of “Security Guard” and the troubles around them. The name of he movie is ” Hum lallan bol rahe hain”. The hero of the movie was shown as a very good person. He at time gave a message, “We need not bother about what others think about our work, rather we should concentrate on what we think about our work“.
These two back to back messages really helped me a lot. Now the only hurdle is that I have never done such a work before. But that is OK. When I now I am doing it my way, I will find out how such work is done as well.
Thanks to both. The one thing got confirmed with this incidence is that if there is a conflict in mind, it is always challenging to work. On the contrary, work just starts flowing by itself if there is no conflict in mind and it full at peace.