One character, in one of the episode gave and an interesting reflection on the topic of this blog. The reflections are :
Being Single is good.
You only have to think about yourself.
You do not need to keep anyone else happy.
Being single means that your morning, your evening, your night is yours.
Live as you wish.
Live this moment.
Try something new everyday.
Being single means that you are not restricted by others. There are no imposed Do’s and Don’ts.
Listen only to your own heart.
Dream new dreams everyday.
Stay late in bed as you like and till the time you like.
Have fun in your own life.
There is some kind of blissfulness in being single.
Only remember what you want to remember.
Simply forget, what you do not want to remember!
Just feel free, have fun.
If you cannot live happily with yourself , you cannot live happily with anyone else too.
Just love being single.

Whichever the group you may fall in, I must that if you know how to laugh, how to share your smile, how to be happy and remain in a bliss in “this” moment, then everything else is is just and endless debate.
Keep laughing, keep smiling.
PS: By the way which group are you in?
Reminds me of a quote – "Happiness is not everything in life :).
One should get married too."
he he, well it depends on individual choices. No one thing completes all the requirements.
But the quote seems to imply that, people should stop using the other phrase "Happily married":)