When will I get an implementation project?
How can I change my project?
Which company should I move next to?
I am tired of these boring tasks.
Will I ever come out of preparing these reporting sheet, documents etc?
I need some thing challenging.
and so on..
I believe all these can be categorized in one thing,” When a change will come?”. Everyone is looking for change, something new, something exciting, something challenging. The last one may be debatable though from generalization view of this statement;). Need for a change could be triggered by different reasons. One of the leading reasons is “I am bored”.
We get bored from projects within few months. Within an year of joining a company, there is already a thought surfacing somewhere, “Let’s change the company”. What has changed in human behaviour that we get bored so quickly? What is that we are looking in the “change”?
The “thought of change” seems very common in Software Industry at least. I am not sure about other industries though. How the person finds a change who has e.g. a Sa
ri shop, general store, or barber, milkman, farmer, sweet shop, a bank employee, person at railways ticket counter, a sweeper and so on. What kind of change comes into their daily life. Let’s take an example of Sari shop person.

Different people comes to shop every day.
Different Sari’s are sold everyday.
Various choices are made by various people.
Different season brings different colors to the shop.
With innovation, new prints, new designs, new cloths are introduced every season.
May be new suppliers once in a while.
But isn’t it all the same on a yearly cycle if not daily basis?
My father spent almost all of his working life in dong the same thing. The change was, location and that means different people to work with. But the tasks remains precisely the same. The same measurements, same reports, same financials. I have never heard him mentioning that he needs a change. What is so special about Software Industry then? The people in this industry comes from special background or conditioning? Or they are more innovative or ambitious as some would like to call it.
Let’s jump to different dimension now. What about animals? They do not have all those tasks, which keeps humans busy. The requirements are simple; food and survival. What is the change in their life? One step further, plants? They just stand their, doing the same repetitive task.
Sure, humans would argue that animals and plants are at low level in the “hierarchy of Intelligence”. I believe that with the huge Intelligence, there is one part in the neural network, which never let humans to be satisfied. It keeps on pushing humans to do something new. That may be anything, be it new dress, new sweets, new role, new job, new company, new state, new nation, new religion and so on. It is just that now the need for change has become quite frequent than before. May be this is the effect of “advancements”.
My view: Whether you look for change or not, whether you are bored from job or not, do smile, do laugh, you would feel better.