Christmas-India’s National Holiday

  • Post category:Social
  • Reading time:3 mins read
Terrorist attacks or bomb blast have almost become a part of life. It is a like a weekly or monthly activity. It is like a tonic to news channel. One such thing happens, and all the TV channels gets excited. They prepare a great story, try to cover in a dramatic way the incidents. It seems like they are not for news but for the race in business at the cost of emotions of people. Well, it keeps on happening and time pass away……

Nowadays another thing has started. Whenever such a thing happens, suddenly everyone in the world becomes patriotic. People spam the “e-mail” inboxes with such emails. One may feel like it is only the sending this chain forward to infinite people is the only way to stop the terrorist attacks!!! .I do not know about that, It may!!!!!

Recently I received a mail from one of my friend. Some it came during the time when Mumbai attack was the “Masala News”. Mail tries to justifies how Hinduism are more united than any other religion in the world. There is fight between Christian communities inspite of one Jesus. Similarly Muslims keep on fighting and to everybody’s surprise they also have one Allah, one Quran. How stupid!!!!!! I know for that matter similar things are there in Sikhism too (Although the mail does not address this ). Now on the contrary Hindus have 1280 books, 10,000 commentaries, 330 million gods and similar rich variety(I am not sure of the counts. Never counted!!! ). Inspite of that everybody goes to the same temple, what a Unity!!!!!.

With this mail, an Old thought recovered from the dust of the times. I always wondered as a kid, that how come in India there are so many festivals, but they are still localized (United we stand). Every region /state/community has its own calendar of Holidays and festivals (Together we celebrate ). In temple, the rich get the priority and poor stands outside. Milk would be drowned in the street for God of stone, but the kids would be crying on road side!!!! Well leave that, we are still united.

Now the aged thought was that, India is majorly and Hindu country and then many other religions combined. But still the Holidays of Hindus, Sikhs and others would be different in different regions. Even if an holiday occasion is same, people do not agree on the same date!!!!!!!! But there is one Holiday, which is always celebrated on the same day and that too all over the India. It is like a National Holiday. The day is 25th of December “Christmas”. This is what we really celebrate together. This is the one Holiday when everybody goes back to home. Yes we really celebrate it together and it has become our new real National Holiday.

Enjoy and Keep Smiling

Arundeep Singh